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This is how our Valentine’s Days go…
HOMW MANY MORE WOMEN AND CHILDREN CAN YOU BEAR TO WATCH KILLED? Idleb (Al-Bashareeya): Feb 13, 2013 - Fatima Abudl Salam Abdul Qadr was killed with her little girl, Bayan (5 years old) were killed by Assad’s forces as they huddled together in their home. Fatima could not protect her daughter from Assad’s barbaric shelling, so they died together.
Next is Oula Abdul Halim Rashwaneh, she was 16 years old. She was also killed when her home was shelled by Assad’s forces.
Then there is Fouad Abdul Halim Rashawaneh, Oula’s younger 12 year old brother. He too was killed in the attack.
Finally there is another little boy, Mohamed Fareed Othman. He was killed the same way the others were.
They are not just numbers. They are people. They are the martyrs of Syria.
В Бахрейне тоже неспокойно.
там во время протестов убили 16-летнего подростка.
К чему это я все. А, просто зашла на тумблер же сегодня, картинки к Дню св. Валентина посмотреть.

This is how our Valentine’s Days go…
HOMW MANY MORE WOMEN AND CHILDREN CAN YOU BEAR TO WATCH KILLED? Idleb (Al-Bashareeya): Feb 13, 2013 - Fatima Abudl Salam Abdul Qadr was killed with her little girl, Bayan (5 years old) were killed by Assad’s forces as they huddled together in their home. Fatima could not protect her daughter from Assad’s barbaric shelling, so they died together.
Next is Oula Abdul Halim Rashwaneh, she was 16 years old. She was also killed when her home was shelled by Assad’s forces.
Then there is Fouad Abdul Halim Rashawaneh, Oula’s younger 12 year old brother. He too was killed in the attack.
Finally there is another little boy, Mohamed Fareed Othman. He was killed the same way the others were.
They are not just numbers. They are people. They are the martyrs of Syria.
В Бахрейне тоже неспокойно.
там во время протестов убили 16-летнего подростка.
К чему это я все. А, просто зашла на тумблер же сегодня, картинки к Дню св. Валентина посмотреть.